Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Wimpy feathers - Item Watch

- Reason -

With the new update, wimpy feathers now have a use in a potion. As there was little use before, the feathers are now worth more! Don't expect much for each feather - it may rise by only 2 gp! I have put the profit at low, but it depends on how many you are willing to buy - if you bought 10000 at 11gp and they rose to 13gp, you would have gone from 110000 gp to 130000 gp - a 20k profit.

- Rating -

Risk = Low

Profit = Low

Cost = Low

- Result -

The feathers have soared to 20gp - almost double the starting price. Following my earlier example, a simple 110000gp investment could have given you up to 90000k in profit or very nearly doubled the money on your account! For those who took the oportunity, a great victory.

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