After the 'Tower Of Life' quest, players have access to a range of new monsters. The best monster is the unicow. To create a unicow, players need to use a piece of cowhide (120 gp) and a unicorn horn (1045 gp) on the creature altar. A unicow with combat level 25 and 24 hitpoints spawns which the player should kill. Unicows always drop bones which can be buried and two to four unicorn horns. This means that a player will make a minimum of 925 gp from a drop of two horns and a maximum of 3015 gp for four drops. This is a good monster therefore for low leveled players to slay.
Based on an average of three drops, thirteen cowhides are purchased (1560 gp) and one unicorn horn (1045 gp) meaning a total expenditure of 2605 gp. In one trip an inventory of 26 unicorn horns (27170 gp) is made as well as the first horn being earned back (1045 gp). This means in this instance, a profit of 25610 was made in one trip. Quite good for thirteen level 25s!
As a bonus, you may recieve a nice bag to store some food in and a flask - it is advised not to keep more than one as they will take up a lot of space in your inventory and do not stack in the bank.
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