Sunday, 22 March 2009

Farming - Money Making

Many players refuse to train farming due to the fact that a lot of money and time has to be spent for no real profit. However, what they do not see is that some plants are actually worthwile to grow and pay the farmer to look after - saving all important time to make some profit.

The most profitable plants to grow are fruit trees and bushes, as well as one normal tree.

An apple tree costs about 40 coins to buy the seed and 1300 coins for nine raw sweetcorn, the farmer's payment. Each apple harvested from the tree sells on the grand exchange for approximately 290 coins each. Therefore, in one visit to your tree you can make around 1,740 coins, paying for the tree growth. You can repeatedly harvest apples from your tree, six every half an hour. This only requires level 27 farming.

A willow tree costs about 2,900 coins to buy the seed and 1700 coins for the basket of five apples, the farmer's payment. Each willow branch harvested from the tree sells on the grand exchange for approximately 790 coins each. Therefore, in one visit to your tree you can make around 4,740 coins, paying for the tree growth. You can repeated harvest branches from your tree, six every half an hour. This only requires level 30 farming.

An orange tree costs about 240 coins to buy the seed and 990 coins for three baskets of strawberries, the farmer's payment. Each orange harvested from the tree sells on the grand exchange for approximately 260 coins each. Therefore, in one visit to your tree you can make around 1,560 coins, paying for the tree growth. You can repeatedly harvest oranges from your tree, six every half an hour. This only requires level 39 farming.

A jangerberry bush costs about 50 coins to buy the seed and 500 coins for six watermelons, the farmer's payment. Each berry harvested from the bush sells on the grand exchange for approximately 470 coins each. Therefore, in one visit to your tree you can make around 1,880 coins, paying for the tree growth. You can repeatedly harvest berries from your bush, four every twenty minutes. This requires a high level of 48 farming.

A whiteberry bush costs about 70 coins to buy the seed and 890 coins for eight mushrooms, the farmer's payment. Each berry harvested from the bush sells on the grand exchange for approximately 640 coins each. Therefore, in one visit to your tree you can make around 2,560 coins, paying for the tree growth. You can repeatedly harvest berries from your bush, four every twenty minutes. This requires a high level of 59 farming.

A poison ivy bush costs about 190 coins to buy the seed and no farmer's payment. Each berry harvested from the tree sells on the grand exchange for approximately 620 coins each. Therefore, in one visit to your tree you can make around 2,480 coins, paying for the bush's growth. You can repeatedly harvest berries from your tree, four every twenty minutes. This requires a high level of 70 farming.

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